Seniors, elders love and treasure their independence and freedom

The golden years are for relaxing, enjoying, travelling and doing just what the heart desires.....without a single worry in the world. And yet all of this could go seriously wrong, if one misses even a single dose of medicine or forgets to pay  the electricity bill!

Happy elders, senior couple
  • elder, senior woman confused, needs reminders

The dangers of Seniors living alone

Studies show that as much as 10% to 20% of adults aged above 65 years have Mild Cognitive Impairment and this excludes elders with dementia and alzheimer's disease! This is a major problem, especially for busy, working, grown up children who have their own children to care for, with the additional worry of their parents living far away from them, and on their own.

The solution is to provide reminders

And yet, that is not very effective

Mobile reminder apps do not really serve the 
							purpose because most elders are technology-phobic 
							and most apps are NOT elder-friendly

Technology is complex

Mobile reminder apps do not really serve the purpose because most elders are technology-phobic and most apps are NOT elder-friendly. In fact, in many cases they end up becoming another point of stress.

Minding reminder Apps is a huge stress and is confusing for elders, seniors

Constant tending to the App

Constant tending to the App to ensure new reminders are fed, changing settings, reinstalling new versions, adjusting to new version UIs. All of this is too much for the elderly.

Seniors quite frequently tend to push the wrong buttons on complex reminder apps, some times due to confusion 
							or physical weakness or tremors

Mismanagement by the senior

Seniors quite frequently tend to push the wrong buttons, some times due to confusion or physical weakness or tremors. Icons tend to get deleted scaring them witless leading to another stressful call for help.

So what's the solution?

So how do concerned grown-up children keep an eagle's eye on their elders while giving them the independence they desire?
Simple, take away the effort of remembering daily tasks by taking remote control and automating daily reminders.... without the use of complex apps, phone settings, tweeking, updating, etc, etc.
Let them enjoy their life while being steadily reminded of each and every activity, chore or task required to keep them safe and in control. You, the son or daughter or carer are in control, remotely. The app is with YOU and a one-time setting for repetitive tasks, however complex, is all you need to do.
Your parents do not need to even purchase a high end smart phone, any phone will do, even a dumb phone. There is no app, no configuration, updates, or any of the nonsense that upsets, annoys and confuses your parent. Just simple straight forward instructions at the right time.... every day, 24 hours a day. And the best certain configurations even the internet or a smart phone are not required! All that is required is the ability to receive a call.


There are of course multiple options to ensure that they fit your exact requirements. You could be any where in the world and yet automate all kinds of reminders to reach your elders at the right time. And we are working on adding many more features.

It does not matter whether you are a concerned son or daughter or a worried senior, this is exactly what you have been waiting for, so simply click the form below and let us get back to you with details.